Case Study

Salutem Care & Education SEN Classroom

Client Brief

We were approached by Salutem Care and Education, who required SEN (Special Education Needs) Classrooms at their Ingfield Manor School site in West Sussex in time for the Autumn Term of 2024. The school needed the modular classroom buildings to help with the growing demand for SEN childcare placements in West Sussex.

Image shows a Modular SEN classroom with timber exterior walls. Tress are in the background.

The Results

At PF Modular we designed the Modular SEN Classrooms using area guidance BB104 for SEND and alternative provision. Ingfield Manor School is set within a stunning woodland setting, with this in mind, we opted for Western Red Cedar for the external aesthetics. The construction delivery program was extremely short, however, we delivered the building and completed all works on the program and within budget to the client’s satisfaction.

Challenges We Faced

Due to the location of the school site we had some logistical challenges to over come. The main one being some very old oak trees within the school grounds. We decided to use step frame trailers to deliver the modules enabling the modules to pass under the low branches of the oak trees.

To achieve the BB104 acoustic guidance for the breakout rooms and classrooms we increased the Db (decibel rating) to the internal partition doors and windows. We also installed an acoustic suspended ceiling to reduce acoustic reverberation within the classrooms.



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